Tuesday and Thursday
Basics/Beginners 9:15–10:15am
Class is on Zoom, which you can download for free through the link below. I recommend signing in by 9:10 so that you are ready to go.
Suggested, but not needed: yoga blocks (hardcover books work), a blanket, strap, pillow.
This will be a basic practice to start the day. Open to beginners. You can practice with others in your home. Dogs and kids allowed. I can mute you all while we practice.
Suggested $10 Donation. Because I know that so many of us are going through rough times now, 👋, and yoga is so important for our wellness, I’m offering this by donation for now. If you’re struggling to make it, join for free. If you can easily swing the $10 suggested donation, great. If you want to drop in a bit extra to cover for others, awesome.
If you’re a private student of mine who pays monthly, consider this class included with that.
Venmo is Jennifer-Netherby
Let’s come together as a community. With zoom, you have the option of turning your video on or off. Either way you will be able to see and hear me.
Here is the link for Tuesday’s class:
Meeting ID: 299 031 9499
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