Oct 27, 2020 | Blog, Love, Svadyaya
I received a happy update last week: Mr Darcy has officially been adopted by the person he’s been with the last couple months! He’s doing so well and they sent me a video of him playing and so happy. So. Many. Feelings. Gratitude for his new person and all the...
Oct 20, 2020 | Blog, Listen
Tell me if this sounds familiar: times are dark. Ego-driven, corrupt, dark forces have conquered and taken over… Actually not the story of 2020 but the rising of the divine feminine, the Goddess Durga. Yesterday marked the start in India of Navaratri, nine...
Oct 13, 2020 | Balance, Blog, Listen, Nourish
This past week, I’ve been easily frustrated at times, frenzied at other times. Sad when I consider personal and collective losses. Through it all, behind schedule and overwhelmed. All of which is to say I’ve been human and I’m guessing experiencing something similar...
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